My maternal 2nd great Aunt

In 1850 census, her family was listed as family 102 in Wabash, Illinois. Her father John age 33, was listed as a farmer with $200 worth of real estate. Her mother was listed as Catherine age 35 born in Pennsylvania. She was the second of 3 children living in the household. James age 6, "Cicnda" age 3 and my 2nd great grandmother Mary (Knowles).
John Black 33 m Ohio
Catharine Black 35 f PA
James Black 6 m IL
Cicnda Black 3 f IL
Mary Black 1 f ILAt the time of the census, Scienda was not living with her father, she was living nearby in Wabash county, Illinois at the home of Verlinda Gray who is most likely her maternal grandmother. in Coffee precinct of. The Post office is listed as Rochester Mills. They are listed as family 1141. List as family 1139 is her father; family 1140 is Daniel Gray (son of Verlanda).
Gray 60 f KY
Sianda Black 14 f Wabash, IL
John Black 43
Black 33 Wabash
James Black 16
Mary Black 11
John Black 5
Susan Black 3
William B
Black 1 Wabash
Scienda's father, John, probably died between 1860 and 1870. When the 1870 census was taken, her step mother Elizabeth was listed as the head of the family. All 4 children of her half siblings were living with her step mother. Scienda's youngest sibling of this union was Jersey who was born in March 1860.
In 1870 census, Scienda was living with her Mary and Jesse Knowles, her sister and brother-in-law in Coffee precinct of Wabash county, Illinois. The Post office is listed as Rochester Mills. They are listed as family 123. Jesse (my 2nd Great Grandfather) was listed as a farmer with $3000 real estate and $ 900 personal property. Only William Gobel a farm laborer was marked as unable to write. Her step mother Elizabeth and her half siblings were living in the Coffee precinct of Wabash County. Her brother James was listed in the James Knowles household in Coffee precinct; James was the brother of Jesse Knowles.
Jesse Knowles 25 m IL
Knowles 23 f IL
(transcription error by enumerator - Jesse's wife was named Mary)
Sienda Black 21 f IL
William Gobel 23 mElizabeth Black 39 f
John Black 17 m IL farm laborer
Susan Black 14 f IL
Beauchamp Black 11 m IL
Jersey Black 6 f IL
James Knowles 37 m IN farmer
Mary Knowles 34 f IL keeping house
William Knowles 12 m IL
Susan Knowles 10 f IL
Ephraim Knowles 8 m IL
Cynthia Knowles 2 f IL
James Black 25 m IL
While living in Spring Valley she married Thomas Perry McGuire. They were married on March 12, 1876 by Rev J.L. Dyer at the McGuire home. The witnesses were her sister and brother-in-law Mary and Jesse Knowles.
When the 1880 census was taken, 33 year old Scienda (born in Illinois, father in Ohio, mother in Kentucky) was living in Douglas County with her 50-year-old husband Thomas McGuire who was born in Ohio. Living next door were her sister and brother-in-law Mary & Jesse Knowles. Also enumerated on the same page were the Moses Gray and John Gray families who may have been related to Scienda and her sister Mary. Her step mother and half siblings remained behind and were enumerated in Coffee precinct of Wabash county.
Thomas McGuire 50 M IN
self Farmer
Scienda McGuire 33 F IL wife Keeping house
Jessee Knowles 37 M IN self
Knowles 30 F IL wife Keeping house
William Knowles 10 M IL son Farm Laborer
Knowles 6 M CO son
Maranda Knowles 2
F CO daughter
Jane Storm 16 F IL servant Servant
Elizabeth Black 52 F IL head Keeping house
Jehn Black 26 M IL son Farming
Jersey Black 20 F IL daughter At home
Page 23 F IL daughter At home
Page 21 M IL son-in-law Works on Farm
Scienda McGuire 3 f IL IL IL
Sometime between 1885 and 1893 the McGuire family moved to Grand Junction in Mesa County, Colorado. In May 1893 Scienda and her son John returned to Douglas County to visit her sister Mary. Their visit was documented in the Castle Rock Journal.
In 1900 census, 53 year old Scienda (born in Illinois, father in Ohio, mother in Kentucky) was living in Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado with her husband 70-year-old Thomas McGuire who was born in Ohio. She and her husband had been married 24 years. Scienda had given birth to 1 child who was still living. They were living in a rental home. All were literate.
In 1910 census, 63 year old Scienda (born in Illinois, father in Ohio, mother in Kentucky) was living in Grand Junction with her husband 80-year-old Thomas McGuire who was born in Ohio. She and her husband had been married 34 years, it was the first marriage for both of them. Scienda had given birth to 1 child who was still living. They were living in a rental home located at 615 4th street. Her son John had attended school during the previous year. All three of the McGuires were literate.
In 1900 census, 53 year old Scienda (born in Illinois, father in Ohio, mother in Kentucky) was living in Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado with her husband 70-year-old Thomas McGuire who was born in Ohio. She and her husband had been married 24 years. Scienda had given birth to 1 child who was still living. They were living in a rental home. All were literate.
Thomas P McGuire 70 m Dec 1829 OH OH OH Carpenter
Scienda McGuire 53 f Jan 1847 IL OH KY Seamstress
John P McGuire 17 m Apr 1883 CO OH IL At school
Thos P McGuire 80 m OH US US Retired farmer
Scienda McGuire 63 f IL OH KY none
John P McGuire 27 m CO OH IL Electrical Engineer
Sometime between 1910 and 1917 Scienda's son John began working for GE in Schenectady, New York as an Erection Engineer. While working for GE, he obtained a passport in order to install equipment at a sugar mill in Cuba. He also registered as required for the WWI draft.
On January 31, 1916 Scienda's husband Tom passed away. They
had been married just short of 40 years. Tom was buried in Orchard Mesa
Cemetery in Grand Junction. The picture
of his tombstone is courtesy of his Find a grave memorial.
Several entries were found in the Grand Junction City directories for Scienda and her husband Thomas. The 1916 city directory for Grand Junction shows the couple were living at 744 Chipeta Ave at the time of Tom's death. Scienda appears to have remained at that residence for the rest of her life.
1924 McGuire, Scienda (wid Thos P) h 744 Chipeta
In 1920 census, shows that 73 year old Scienda a widow born in Illinois, father in Ohio, mother in Kentucky, was living at 744 Chipeta Ave in Grand Junction. The census indicates that Scienda owned the home free of a mortgage. She was the sole occupant of her home at that time. Her son John Perry was living in Schenectady, New York with a wife Mary and their newborn daughter Ruth.
Several entries were found in the Grand Junction City directories for Scienda and her husband Thomas. The 1916 city directory for Grand Junction shows the couple were living at 744 Chipeta Ave at the time of Tom's death. Scienda appears to have remained at that residence for the rest of her life.
1916 McGuire, Thomas P (Scienda) r 744 Chipeta
1918 McGuire, Scienda (wid Thos P) r 744 Chipeta
1922 McGuire, Scienda (wid Thos P) h 744 Chipeta
In 1920 census, shows that 73 year old Scienda a widow born in Illinois, father in Ohio, mother in Kentucky, was living at 744 Chipeta Ave in Grand Junction. The census indicates that Scienda owned the home free of a mortgage. She was the sole occupant of her home at that time. Her son John Perry was living in Schenectady, New York with a wife Mary and their newborn daughter Ruth.
Scienda McGuire 73 f IL OH KY none
Scienda died on August 10th, 1925 at the age of 77. She was buried in Orchard Mesa Cemetery in Grand Junction Colorado. The picture of her tombstone is courtesy of her Find a grave memorial. She was survived by her son and daughter-in-law John and Mary McGuire and 3 grand children Ruth, John Thomas and William J McGuire.
John P McGuire 36 m CO OH IL Elect Eng
Mary C McGuire 32 f MI MI MI Physician
Ruth M McGuire 3 mo f NY CO MI
Scienda died on August 10th, 1925 at the age of 77. She was buried in Orchard Mesa Cemetery in Grand Junction Colorado. The picture of her tombstone is courtesy of her Find a grave memorial. She was survived by her son and daughter-in-law John and Mary McGuire and 3 grand children Ruth, John Thomas and William J McGuire.
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