My grandfather, Robert Reppel, was born in the small village of Mussig in Alsace, France. He was the third of 3 sons born to Melanie Breitel and Francois Joseph Reppel. His father Joseph was the village baker.
His oldest brother Rene would inherit the family business. Papa and his other brother Maurice would need to find their own livelihoods. As a child Bob was trained as a baker in the family business. He also worked in the fields as a farm hand.
Bob was a mere 16 years old when he was conscripted into Kaiser's army. At the end of the war, his job prospects in his native Alsace were poor. He was also facing additional military service due to France's required military service. So Robert made the decision to immigrate to North America. His planned destination - Leipzig, Saskatchewan, Canada where his brother Maurice who emigrated in 1911 was living.

Traveling with Robert was 16 year old Marie Sittler. Due to illness or injury, Marie was left behind in Alsace when her family immigrated to Canada. Robert escorted her to Leipzig where she was reunited with her family.
Bob secured passage to Canada on the S.S. Californie. The Californie was brought into service in November 1905 for service between Le Havre and New York. In 1919 and 1920 it made 3 voyages to Canada. In 1927 it was transformed into cargo liner and finally demolished in 1934.
Robert was enumerated on line 22 of the first page of the passenger list and Marie is listed on line 25. The following is a transcription of his information.
1. No on list: - 22
2. Ticket Number: 11730
3. Amount of cash in Dollars: 450 Frs.
4. Name in Full - Reppel Robert
5. Age of adults male . - 19
6. Age of adults female . -
7. Age of children under age 14 male -
8. Age of children under age 14 female -
9. Married, Single, or Widowed - S
10. Have you ever been in Canada before? - No
11. If so When: - Brother Maurice Reppel
12. If so Where: -
13. If so How Long: -
14. Do you intend to permanently reside in Canada? - No
15. Are you able to read: YES
16. Are you able to write: YES
17. Country of birth:. - France
18. Number of Passenger. - 22
19. Race of People: - French
20. Destination Post Office: - Leipzig
21. Destination Province: - Sask
22. Occupation in your former country: - farmer
23. Intended Occupation in Canada: - farmer
24. Have you ever worked as a farmer, farm laborer, gardener, stableman, or miner: - Yes
25. If so which: -
26. How Long: - 3 years
27. When: - 1912 - 1915
28. Religious Denomination: - Catholic
Robert was carrying 450 French Francs. According to Insee currency converter, 450 old French Francs is worth approximately 592 Euros or 775 US dollars in today's currency.
A year later, Robert, Maurice and Maurice's family left Saskatchewan. Their final destination was Peoria, Illinois and the home of George Yehl, a friend from their home town of Mussig, Alsace, France.
They purchased tickets from the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd. The exact embarkation and debarkation ports are unknown. But their journey included a stop in the port of Winnipeg, Manitoba where on December 24, 1920 they applied for admission to the United States.

Form 3 Canada - List or Manifest of Alien Passengers Applying for Admission to the United States from Foreign Contiguous Territory - Required by regulations of Secretary of labor of the United States under the Immigration Act
Sheet No. 4 Port of Winnipeg, Man. Month of Dec 24, 1920. Class D
1. No on list. - 3
2. Head Tax Status. GN 43665
3. Name in Full - Family name - REPPELL ; Given name - ROBERT
4. Age Yrs. - 20
5. Sex - M
6. Married or Single - S
7 Calling or Occupation - Baker
8. Able to - Read: YES What language: French Write - YES
9. Nationality. (citizenship). - France
10. Race or people. - French
11. Last permanent residence - Leipzig, Sask. Canada
12. The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend whence alien came -
father, Joseph living in Mussig, Alsace Lorraine
13. Final destination (Intended future permanent residence) -
State - Illinois City or Town - Peoria

14. No on list - 3
15. Whether having a ticket to such final destination - Yes
16. By whom was passage paid? (Whether alien paid his own passage, whether paid by relative, whether paid by any other person, or by an corporation, society, municipally or government.)
SELF 349029
17. Whether in possession of $50, and if less how much? - 100.
18. Whether ever before in the United States; and if so when and where? No
If Yes- Year or period of years - , Where - .
Date of last departure - .
19. Whether going to join a relative or friend; state name and complete address and if relative, exact relationship - Friend George Yehl Peoria, Illinois *
20. Purpose of coming to United States.
- Whether alien intends to returns to country whence he came after - No
- Length of time alien intends to remain in the United States - Perm
- Whether alien intends to become a citizen of the United States - Yes
21. Ever in prison or almshouse or institution for care and treatment of the insane or supported by charity? If so which? - No
22. Whether a Polygamist. - No
23. Whether an anarchist. - No
24 Whether a person who believes in or advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States or all forms of law etc. - No
26. Whether arrested and deported within one year. - No
27. Condition of health, mental and physical. - Good
28. Deformed or crippled. Nature, length of time and cause. - No
29. Height - Feet - 5 , Inches - 6 ,
30. Complexion. - Fair
31. Color of - Hair - Lt Bro, Eyes - Gray
32. Marks of identification. - None
33. Place of birth - Country - France, city or Town - Mussig
Supplemental Information required by Immigration Regulation
34. Seaport or Landing - Quebec
34. Seaport or Landing - Quebec
35. Date of Landing - Nov. 13, 1919
36. Name of SS - California
37. Date of Embarkation - 11/26/30
Six years later while living in Gunnison, Colorado Robert obtained his US citizenship.
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